Is your workforce
“all in” for achieving
your company’s goals?

Learn how the BestWe AI-powered platform increases both company performance and employee well-being by increasing workforce social alignment.
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If your workplace is like the average, 80% of your employees are not “all-in”.

Only 20% of employees in U.S. workplaces exhibit the constructive “we-centric” social style and habits that indicate they are genuinely committed to achieving their organization’s plans and goals.

Your leading “people problems” are all just symptoms of this lack of alignment.

The top people problems cited by CEO’s and CHRO’s are all the outcomes of a workplace where 80% of employees exhibit unconstructive “me-centric” social styles and habits. These behaviors only occur when a workforce is not aligned around their company's plans and goals. Eliminating these symptoms requires motivating each employee to adopt a "we-centric" social mindset and style.
Motivation problems with hybrid work
Inconsistent group leader effectiveness
Unconstructive/ineffective team working
Reduced feelings of belonging/inclusion
Reduced employee engagement
Unsatisfying employee experienceLess constructive organization culture
Low/inconsistent productivity
Inability to be agile and manage change

Poor alignment negatively impacts both your shareholders and employees.

Unengaged workforce
Uncommitted managers
Low discretionary effort
Poor innovativeness
Low productivity
Lack of agility
High attrition rates
Poor workplace experience
Non-inclusive culture
Lack of trust & safety
Stress & anxiety
Unauthentic relationships
Low belonging & meaning
Reduced growth potential

No wonder CEOs’ and Board members’  #1 priority is improving alignment. 

Research shows the #1 priority of roughly 75% of CEO’s and Board Directors is building a culture where every employee is committed to achieving the company’s goals and plans. 

We have the solution:
AI-powered social fitness coaching.

We have the solution.
organizational alignment.

Employee-friendly dashboard.

Employees engage with our AI on a personalized and secure dashboard made just for them, receiving tailor-made advice to navigate social decisions confidently.
Our AI processes


unique decisions to provide the optimized actionable guidance.

Our approach involves implementing an explicit AI-enabled alignment capability.

Until now organizational alignment has been attempted using a range of top-down indirect alignment approaches requiring multiple separate capabilities. This next generation bottom-up approach involves implementing a single capability to motivate and help each employee improve their social styles and habits.   

Our AI coach helps employees adopt “we-centric” social styles and habits.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible and affordable to deliver personalized coaching to the members of every group in your workplace.

This AI "Genius" guides groups through a "social fitness" training process.

The Genius provides each group with the learning, assessment, goal-setting and coaching to maximize their level of social fitness.

Members provide confidential feedback on their co-workers’ social styles and habits.

The Genius provides each group member with anonymized and aggregated social habit feedback gathered from their closest co-workers. The Genius also uses this survey data to provide each member with confidential personal social habit improvement coaching.
The Genius uses this data to provide

This data enables the Genius to provide superhuman 1:1 coaching.

It takes artificial intelligence to provide personalized, evidence-based advice. For example, imagine trying to improve the team-working effectiveness of the leaders and members of five-person teams, each having five different levels of alignment ranging from low to high. Assume each group member was currently exhibiting one of 15 possible social habits in each of 60 different social habit categories. It takes a Genius capable of providing high-impact social fitness improvement advice spanning all 45,000 of these unique coaching conversations.

This personalized advice helps group members change their social habits.

The Genius uses an algorithm to predict the social habit coaching actions likely to have the greatest impact on each member’s level of social fitness.

Management also gets a platform to oversee and support their groups' improvement efforts.

Our platform enables a multi-level approach to workforce alignment by providing each enterprise stakeholder with all of the necessary metrics, analysis and planning capabilities. Senior executives can identify the process and policy changes needed to support continuous alignment improvement across the organization.

Our solution can help you solve
your people alignment challenge.

Our AI-enabled alignment approach and platform can help many different types of users align different aggregations of people to achieve different goals following different deployment pathways. You can contact us to learn more about how our platform can be used to provide an innovative solution to your specific alignment challenge.

This capability will help your organization
work better together.

This new capability will
help your organization
work better together.

You will see major progress against all of your key people management challenges.

As an increasing number of your employees adopt more constructive, “we centric” social styles than habits, you will see a significant and steady reduction in almost all of your prior people management problems.

You will see major progress against all of your key people management challenges.

Employee Retention
Change Management
People Analytics
Manager Coaching
Employee Experience
Soft Skills
Next Gen "DEI"
Team Building
Quiet Quitting

Even better. It will increase the success of both key stakeholders.

Organization success and employee success are not a trade-off. In highly aligned workplaces, the synergies generated from exceptional team-working provide invaluable incremental benefits for both the organization and its employees. So everyone can enjoy greater success.

Getting started is easy and has
a compelling business case.

The business case for implementing this AI-enabled coaching capability is compelling and will satisfy every organization’s core business case criteria.
High and measurable return
Transparency of the AI algorithm
No/Low cost of trial
Hallucination-free dialogue
No integration or support requirements
Explainability of the coaching advice
Complete data privacy and security
No risk of unintended bias, errors, etc.
Secure content guardrails
Supervision of the machine learning

Improve workforce social health and performance with BestWe

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How big is your organizational alignment opportunity?

Contact us if you would like to calibrate the size of this employee-employer shared success improvement opportunity in your organization. We can quickly help you assess your organization’s current level of alignment.
Contact us for a demo